Floor beds & toddler beds

I am often asked when a child can be moved to a Toddler or Floor Bed. I am a big fan of floor beds: it allows children more space, respects their right to get up and play if they are not ready to go to sleep and supports their growing […]

Back To Basics – Book your place on a live webinar

With so much information on the internet and advice from well-meaning friends and family, it can be really challenging to know where to start when it comes to supporting your child’s sleep. The difficulty is, in part, down to conflicting information and research and also because your child is unique: […]

Swaddling – why do it and how to swaddle safely

For many years and in many cultures, swaddling has been seen to calm babies and provide more settled sleep. There are different points of view as to whether swaddling is safe, so my blog this week is to lay out the pros and cons and my tips for safe swaddling. […]

Diet, Exercise and Sleep

Following on from last week’s blog about Exercise for Children, this week we look at how exercise, diet and sleep work together to promote a healthy child. As I said last week, exercise has many benefits for children and adults. Keeping active with a healthy balanced diet can greatly impact […]

The Fourth Trimester

The Fourth Trimester is the first 3 months of your baby’s life. It is particularly important as it is a time when your baby is adjusting to their new environment and you, as parents, are learning to understand how to meet your baby’s needs. As with all relationships, this doesn’t […]

Connecting with the children under your care

When I support parents and carers, I spend a lot of time talking about ‘connection’. How we physically and emotionally connect with our child is so important for well-being and development, not just for our child but us too. During the day, we can reconnect in many ways but at […]

Working with a Sleep Consultant: what can I expect?

Asking for help with anything personal is a massive step. It can feel strange opening up to someone you don’t know well when it involves sharing parts of your family life. However, working with someone from outside the family can be helpful in being able to have a non-biased view […]

Children’s Illnesses and Sleep

At this time of year, with lots of bugs going around, it can feel like a neverending stream of colds, coughs and runny noses. Parents often ask me what they should do about their children’s sleep when they are unwell. My 5 Top Tips When we feel unwell, we all […]

Dealing with Short Naps

As lovely as it is when your baby or child sleeps for 2 hours straight once or twice a day, this is often not the reality. We can experience a lot of stress (affecting your child as well) trying to force long block naps and, whilst there are actions we […]