Floor beds & toddler beds

I am often asked when a child can be moved to a Toddler or Floor Bed. I am a big fan of floor beds: it allows children more space, respects their right to get up and play if they are not ready to go to sleep and supports their growing […]

Tips to help with infant eczema

Today, I thought I would talk to you about eczema and offer some suggestions as to how to manage this condition. In this post I will not be discussing what causes eczema but instead provide some practical ways you can use to try and help your little one. Please note: […]

Safety in the Sun

We all want to protect our little ones from the Sun, so with the Summer Holidays starting you may be out and about more. Here are some tips to help you when the sun comes out: Remember even on cloudy days that the Sun’s UV rays can still affect the […]

Alternatives to rewards systems

Last week, I talked about whether we should be rewarding children for their behaviour. We looked at why so-called Reward Charts can be ineffective in the long term, even though they may be a quick fix. After a while, the child either gets bored or the stakes increase and they […]

To reward or not to reward?

For many years, “reward charts” were very common among parents. It was a way to motivate children to behave in certain ways, but the difficulties with this approach are: We are not looking at or acknowledging what our child is feeling, what their struggles are and understanding what is behind […]

Being a Dad

This week, we celebrate the role of dads and how, as a dad, you can support your partner. We will focus on establishing and continuing to have a positive and strong relationship with your child throughout their early years and in the future. Being a new parent can feel overwhelming. […]

Swaddling – why do it and how to swaddle safely

For many years and in many cultures, swaddling has been seen to calm babies and provide more settled sleep. There are different points of view as to whether swaddling is safe, so my blog this week is to lay out the pros and cons and my tips for safe swaddling. […]

Exercise for children

Exercise is very important for both children and adults. Developing these habits early on can help ensure it becomes a part of everyday life, supporting growth and development throughout childhood. Here is a guide to help you know how much exercise your child should be getting and why. Babies Even […]

Sibling rivalry

Sibling rivalry is natural and to be expected. Children want to be the centre of your attention and find it difficult to adjust when a new baby comes along. There can be plenty of conflict, particularly when children are close together in age, as your older child is unable to […]