Safety in the Sun
We all want to protect our little ones from the Sun, so with the Summer Holidays starting you may be out and about more.
Here are some tips to help you when the sun comes out:
Photo by Luke Michael on Unsplash Remember even on cloudy days that the Sun’s UV rays can still affect the skin. Use suitable ‘baby/child friendly’ suncream before going out. For children under 6 months, make sure they are as covered up as possible (but don’t allow them to overheat) and only use suncream on areas it is not possible to cover.
- When you are using suncream make sure it is Factor 30+ and protects from UVA and UVB rays.
- Never use blankets or muslins over the pushchair opening as they increase the heat to dangerous levels for your baby or child. A parasol is the safest and most effective way of shading.
- For babies under 6 months, keep them out of direct sunlight. Their skin is extremely fragile and sensitive as they do not have melanin in their skin which offers some protection from the sun.
- For all babies and children, on hot days try to keep them out of the sun between 11am and 3pm.
- For babies under 6 months who are being exclusively breastfed, there is no need to give water to drink. Water is only advisable once your baby is weaning (at 6 months) and should then be cool, boiled water. In warm weather, you may need to increase breastfeeds to keep your baby hydrated.
- For babies who are formula-fed, they can have a small amount of cool boiled water but only after they have had their milk feed. It is important not to fill your baby up on water.
- Ensure clothing is loose and made out of cotton which will help keep them cool. Cover as much of their body as possible. When out and about, babies and children need to wear a hat which covers the back of the neck and ears and shades the face.
- When you are applying suncream, aim to do this half an hour before you go outside.
For further information go to the NHS website and the NCT website.